Monday, October 5, 2009

Domestic Violence Rally

October 1st 2009

The domestic violence rally seemed very random to me, I'm not sure I quite understood much of what was going on. Yet, I felt like the information was very good. I really feel that there could have been alittle more interaction with the people that were there to support the cause. Maybe allowing people from the crowd to participate by talking about maybe personal experiences. that way the people have a bigger reason to encourae others to be part of it.

I really loved the booth were they were doing the mural. I really like that they allowed anyone that wanted to be in it to put their painted hands on it. I loved that they were giving out those shirts that represent the cause that s a good way for everyone that participated to keep showing the message to people that didn't know about the event or to people that don't know that there exist organizations that fight for the cause.

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