This month's San Diego MEChA Central Meeting was held at Cal State San Marcos. The chapters present were few but the meeting went well. The main topic discussed at the meeting was the MEChA Central Constitution which is to be revised by the individual chapters and then taken back to the next central meeting. At the central meeting ideas were put on the table of possible changes that would occur with the constitution, but to make it a fair document we need to have the chapters review it and give their own opinions about the constitution changes. The document will be presented again at the next central meeting and a final document will be set and taken back to the chapters so they see what was decided based on every ones opinions.
City College
Palomar College
Lindsay High School
Upcoming events:
SDSU- Noche de Cultura Thursday Dec. 10 from 7pm to 9pm
CSUSM- HS Conference (not sure of date and time)
CSUSM- Rally Dec. 11 from 1pm and on
Palomar College- Cinco de Mayo Event
Regional Meeting Dec. 20 at 10am in Cal State Fullerton
The next central meeting will be January 16th 2010 at 11am in Palomar College
I do want to apologize to the students from UCSD for not being in the picture. The picture was taken after the meeting and by that time you guys were gone, I know I should have taken it before but I completely forgot. Sorry!!!
City College
Palomar College
Lindsay High School
Upcoming events:
SDSU- Noche de Cultura Thursday Dec. 10 from 7pm to 9pm
CSUSM- HS Conference (not sure of date and time)
CSUSM- Rally Dec. 11 from 1pm and on
Palomar College- Cinco de Mayo Event
Regional Meeting Dec. 20 at 10am in Cal State Fullerton
The next central meeting will be January 16th 2010 at 11am in Palomar College
I do want to apologize to the students from UCSD for not being in the picture. The picture was taken after the meeting and by that time you guys were gone, I know I should have taken it before but I completely forgot. Sorry!!!