Friday, August 14, 2009

E. Coli

What is E.Coli?

E.Coli is a type of bacteria that can get into foods such as beef and vegetables. E. Coli is short for Escherichia coli. E.Coli is not always harmful. E. coli lives usually in the intestines and helps break down and digest food but, in some rare cases certain types of E. Coli can get into the blood and cause a serious infection.

Is E.Coli a eubacteria or an archaebacteria?

E. Coli is a eubacteria.

How can you get it?

Eating undercooked ground beef, drinking contaminated water or/and unpasteurized milk, and working with cattle can increase the risk of aquiring E. Coli. E. Coli can also be passed from person to person in places such as Day Cares.

What are the symptoms?

Some of the symptoms of E. coli include strong abdominal cramps and belly pains. Also vomiting and diarrhea which may have blood in it.

How is it diagnosed?

E. Coli is diagnose through a stool inspection, The stool inspection is done within the following 48 hours after a bloody diarrhea occurs. If a bloody diarrhea were to occur the doctor might or would make an intestine inspection to further diagnose a probable E. Coli infection.

How is it treated?

There is no treatment for E. Coli. Drinking a lot of water is important thus it won't treat the infection.

How can you keep from getting E.Coli infection?

Using proper hyegene while cooking, before, and after is a good way to prevent E. Coli infection. Cooking all meats thoroughly before tasting and eating is another way of preventing E.Coli. There are many other ways to prevent the E. Coli infection and all contribute to proper hyegene and eating foods that are cooked according to the labels.

Other Information...

E. Coli is most common in children and the syptoms are stronger in children too. E. Coli bacteria can esaly be grown and its geneticws are simple to compare, easily manipulated, and it can be duplicated. These factors make E. Coli one of the best studied prokaryotic model organisms.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I promise you...

there is so much that I can say and so much that I can promise to you, I could tell you I will live forever, I could tell you I will never be apart from you, I could tell you that the world is yours, I could tell you I will gift you the stars. all this things I could tell you and I could promise, but I probably couldn't keep those promises. so the only thing I can tell you that is true is that I love you with all my heart, that I will always be at your side for as long as I live, Ican tell you that I will do all I can to give you as much as I can reach. I want you to know that I love you soo much that I will guide you the best I can so that you can become better than I was. I want to proomise you that as long as you allow me to I will be your best friend, and I will help you acomplish your dreams. I want you to know that I will never give up on you if you don't give up on yourself. I love you so much. I love you so much. my darling, my baby, the most wonderful thing that God could have gifted me with, my hope, my strenght, the light at the end of the tunnel, my inspiration, my life, my everything, I love you so much My lovely daughter.

Not sure what to write...

So I have been out off blogger for a while. I apologize. Not sure why but lately Ive been using and discovering other websites. Most of them are on my links so If u care to try any go for it. Anyways I have been doing alot of activities and I will be performing for the september festivals of the Mexican culture. I will be dancing ballet folklorico and I am very exited.. I will try to have someone take pics so I can post them here for the public view. lol I know hardly anyone sees this site which is mainly why I write many stuff on it that I don't mind people knowing but I'd prefer them to not find out. well Now i'm looking for some websites to get free patterns for sewing skirts. so I have to go havent really found anything. Well Loves For all...