Tuesday, September 16, 2008

School in Ancient Egypt vs. Today

School in Ancient Egypt is similar to school today in few ways, their lessons came from textbooks like ours come from textbooks too. In ancient Egypt learning to read was very important to find a good job and today is the same, if you don't have a good education then you can't get a job where they pay you well enough to get your basic necessities and still have money for the wants. I could only find few similarities and that's why I decided to do a comparison on the differences between life in school then and now. Today, anybody can study no matter what race and or what your level in society might be. Back then only the children born to Pharaoh's, government officials, scribes and priest were attending the schools. Also the schools were held outdoors and now they are held indoors with exception of Physical education (PE). One last point I want to compare is that in ancient Egypt only boys were allowed to study and girls were only allowed to learn at home with whatever their parents could teach them, now we live in a society were girls and guys are allowed to learn and study the same things.

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