Friday, November 6, 2009

M.E.Ch.A/Chicano Studies

I never though that there was so much history in the Latino culture, my culture, fighting for the rights of other Latinos. Education is so important now days for us and there is so much that can be done yet, few people are involved.
M.E.Ch.A (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/Chicana de Aztlan) is a student organization that empowers and teaches young men and women of any race, but focusing on the RAZA LATINA, about the history of our people. They teach people like me to believe and know that we are worth more than what the system wants us to be worth. Mechistas follow and study the chicano movements that have taken place and have been significant to the place we are given today.
I have learned many things about the chicano movements that have occurred in the past decades. For example I learned that chicano movements started as early as the late 60's and that since then a chain of new movements have taken place. Today there are many movements going on and while all of them are formed by different people and in different places they all have the same purpose, to inform and fight for our people, our gente, Nuestra Raza, la RAZA LATINA, los Chicanos y Chicanas.
I am very content to know that our goals and dreams can be possible but we must unite forces and fight together as a nation for us, our children, and our people. I am happy to know Latinos that are involved in M.E.Ch.A and I am happy to be taking these classes at Lindsay. The best school EVER.

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