Monday, September 12, 2016

the tiny house project

i know that through out my life I have initiated numerous projects but managed to finish only a few.  however, i am a true believer in myself, that one day, I will be able to finish the one project that will change my life.  this one might be it.

i have been giving it a lot of thought lately.  actually the idea has been in my mind for roughly a year, i want to live in a tiny house built and designed by me.  i know it sounds crazy and I know i downsized heavily from my two-story dream house which i still want, however I believe that i can still achieve that dream house but in a tiny space. i eventually want that big home but i am by no means close at all to getting there, and that is the problem.

i plan to move from California to a desert area like Arizona or Calexico.  perhaps I could buy land there for cheap and place my tiny home there.  or perhaps I can make several tiny houses in one same lot and build a tiny house community in my own land.   who knows, these are all crazy ideas i have gotten recently but what I do know for sure is that i want a tiny house for my family.

i dont know anything about construction so I plan on finishing a course ( once I begin one) on construction and plumbing, this will give me some basic knowledge on what to do and expect, and  I will take it from there.

my dad has some carpentry knowledge and has experience in maintenance so that is a plus; however, since i want this project to be done 90% by me, i wouldn't want to carry any heavy loads of work on him,  i would like him to supervise my project and help me with details I just cant get right. maybe things like helping me pick and choose the best material and tools, things like that.

anyways there is a lot of things to consider before actually starting the DIY tiny house.  today i am doing some research on things I should spend full price for, and checking out designs to get an idea on how i want my tiny house, what kind of luxuries i want, and what would work best to live comfortably in my new home. soon, i want to begin sketching the floor plans with all my ideas in mind, and i am hoping that this time i can actually mange to blog my entire experience so that all my hard work stays documented and all my struggles can help me appreciate the final project.

i would love to see other people get inspired by my project to start their own and the only way to make it happen is by actually blogging the whole process.

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