Tuesday, September 20, 2016

tiny house project update 001

hello everyone i have a few things to tell you and update you in.first off, while i was doing research on the tiny homes i came across Becky's Homestead, a YouTube channel about the life of becky and her homestead.  i was greatly inspired by her and I realized that it is in fact possible to change the city life for a more rural and rustic living.

i still want to live in the tiny home and i still want to build it and design it but i have a feeling that might be a bit more expensive than buying a custom tiny home.  yet i have also though further into the possibility of buying a land where i can build the tiny home(s).  i spoke to my dad about my plans and although he has many concerns with the actual idea of having to get utilities in the property and what not, he seems to be liking the idea. he believes that buying a mobile home would be the best option and i am actually still not to sure about that.  i still want to build my tiny home and live in it.well the idea now is to actually buy a piece of land and when we are talking about that piece of land we are talking about 5 acres or so of actual land.  however i wasn't aware that buying a land has rules and regulations that must be followed.  yet i am determined to educate myself on all this as much as possible so that  i can strike the best deal and find the most suitable land for all my need s and my family's needs.

so i learned that in order to buy a land where i can build on i have to find a residential land.  yet my project doesn't stop at just building my tiny house and living in it, in my property, but also putting the land to work.  i'd like to have some animals and some crops where i can get some food from.  like milk and eggs, and some poultry, as well as some veggies. in order for this to be possible my land has to be residential and agricultural.  and that could be a bit more of a challenge.  yet i am still determined to follow through.

i seem to have support from both my dad and my brother, and while i wished my mom was in this as well, i  feel like the support i have is good enough.  my daughter seems to be excited about this, but i am not sure she knows exactly what means to live on a farm.

well the first step to getting all this started is to actually start saving the money and in order to have money to save up i believe i need more income coming in.  so i have decided to find another job that will allow me to get an equivalent of full time job with sea world and the new job.  with sea world alone, and the 28 hour limit, i would never be able to save enough.  so the hunt is on. i have already interviewed in one place  but it will take them a while before they get back to me.  mean time, i can continue my search and learn more about what i want for my plans.

i am very excited and i am sure that time will fly as i start looking into all that must be done. but like i said before i am determined to get this done, for me and my girls... for my family.

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